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Na zes seizoenen stopt de serie ermee.

Lena Dunham & co. in tranen na opnames seizoensfinale van ‘Girls’

Laura Vansweevelt
Laura Vansweevelt Web- en reportagejournalist
Na zes seizoenen valt het doek over de succesvolle tv-serie 'Girls'. Voor actrices Lena Dunham, die hoofdpersonage Hannah Horvath vertolkt en tevens het brein is achter de serie, en Alison Williams – Marnie Michaels in de serie – viel het afscheid bijzonder zwaar. 

In een driedelig afscheidsbericht op Instagram bedankt Lena Dunham haar trouwe fanbase en blikte ze terug op zes jaar 'Girls'. 



Girls Goodbye (1 of 3) It’s 2 am on Friday morning and we just finished shooting Girls. Forever. No insert shots of cell phones or exteriors to grab. We’re not missing a quick shot of Shosh marching down a Soho street. We’re finished. We did it all. Jenni called that final cut, I dropped my costume on our van floors (sorry Kristen, sorry I never hang my damned costume) and we got into our vans to head home for the last time. To say I don't enjoy goodbyes is an understatement. But, as a wise woman once told me, "relish it. We so rarely get to choose our goodbyes." She's right. And we got to choose this one. But that doesn't mean it's easy– I know I'm not alone in the Girls family when I say this is the end of the largest and most potent chapter of my life so far. Before Girls I had zero identity, zero self-love and an urgent sense of untapped creative desire that kept me up and sweating at night in other people's beds, wondering why vague sexual affirmation wasn’t enough to make me feel human. I had hardly an inkling of the responsibility we take on when we tell stories, or of the power words can have, but what I had- as an obsessed fan of shows from Girlfriends to Felicity to Ally McBeal- was the audacity to think that people might want to see women like my friends and me (broken, imperfect, angry) on television. When we shot our pilot six years ago, I never dreamed that I could be so fulfilled by the process of art-making, of collaboration, of honest expression. And so through this show I developed an identity, gained a new kind of family and began my life in earnest. It's an embarrassment of riches. There are too many essential personnel to name here, and the messages I have for them are far too intimate for this modern venue, but I trust I've made it clear who you are and what you mean to me. If I haven't, please feel free to demand explanations.

Een foto die is geplaatst door Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) op


'Geen fan van afscheid'

Het afscheid viel de actrice duidelijk erg zwaar. 'Zeggen dat ik geen fan ben van afscheid nemen, is een understatement. Maar zoals een wijze vrouw mij ooit zei, we kunnen zelden kiezen wanneer we afscheid nemen. Ze had gelijk. We hebben uiteindelijk zelf beslist om afscheid te nemen. Maar dat maakt het er niet makkelijker op.'



Girls Goodbye (3 of 3) To the fans, you have blown our minds. You have made a big scary world seem small and intimate and I see blessings and safe havens everywhere because of the way you've normalized these experiences, the moments of being female that feel dark and unruly, that hurt like a gash. You've made me believe there was a place for the strange girls and the ones who don't know how to love quite yet. And I know you'll give the same warm reception to all the radical & essential female voices coming to TV in the near future. Because we are just at the the beginning of a golden era in which every woman– no matter her race, religion, body-type, or the gender assigned to her at birth– can tell her story and have it heard and recognized for its essential her-ness. Let's all make sure of that together, okay? We must. To the critics: you pushed us to grow and we did, even when the child in me wanted to stamp my feet and stand my ground. There is no greater gift than evolution. Thank you for that. To the cast & crew, the writers and producers, you will always be my comrades and I'd drop anything to be there for you at any time in your life. Thank you for accepting me, for creating a world of acceptance and for holding me through some of the toughest times I've known. Thank you for being fierce and creative. Thank you for putting up with my tits for six years, even when they got so, so boring. Thank you for making me feel like I was at the center of a trampoline of good will. To the men of Girls, both cast and crew, thank you for restoring my faith in the beauty and sensitivity that masculine strength can provide. Thank you for healing my fear and my heart. And the the women of girls, you are as bad as they come. Jenni and Judd: Ilene and Gina, Allison, Jem, Zosia, It's going to take awhile to understand the heartbreak of saying goodbye to these characters, these collaborators and this life. I barely remember another one. So... all my love. Yes, love is all I have for every single one of you (even the 16 year old who keeps telling me to blow him in the comments section, though I do feel concerned he's not being parented closely enuf.

Een foto die is geplaatst door Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) op

De laatste scène die werd ingeblikt was er eentje met enkel Dunham, maar Alison Williams aka Marnie – bleef op de set tot het bittere einde. Een geste die Lena duidelijk erg apprecieerde. Ze huilden naar eigen zeggen 45 minuten aan een stuk, wat resulteerde in onderstaande #cryingselfie


Ook Williams deelde een foto op Instagram waarin ze al huilend collega en BFF Lena in de armen valt. Poor, Girls! 


Marnie has officially gone wherever all characters go when we stop watching them. And I couldn't feel luckier that I got to play her. This lady, @lenadunham, gave me everything. She gave me the most incredible challenges and adventures and the opportunity to know and love our GIRLS family. She also gave me her fierce friendship, wit, love, and loyalty, all while making me giggle on a constant basis. Sitting next to Lena while being directed by @jennikonner, it all felt completely right. Then I immediately burst into some pretty rare tears, because it hit me that I don't know what my adult life looks like without Girls. To everyone – our cast, our crew, HBO, my family – thank you. And to @juddapatow, thanks for watching a YouTube video of a 22 year-old fresh out of college and inviting her to audition for Marnie Marie Michaels. I've been grateful every single day since. #EndOfGirls #ThatsAWrapOnMarnie

Een foto die is geplaatst door Allison Williams (@aw) op

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