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ZIEN: 10 maatjes meer en 100 keer gelukkiger

Voor-en-nafoto's, we kennen het allemaal. Op de linkerfoto zie je iemand met een maatje meer en op de rechterfoto is die persoon een aantal kilo's kwijt. Die transformaties getuigen van volharding en moed. Maar een gezonde levensstijl betekent niet atijd dat er een lager cijfer op de weegschaal moet staan. Dat bewijst deze vrouw.

Allison Kimmey plaatste een week geleden een voor-en-nafoto op Instagram. De eerste foto was genomen 9 maanden na de geboorte van haar tweede kind met maatje 36/38. 'Ik was toen geobsedeerd door allerlei diëten, ik kon niet wachten om deze foto te delen', schrijft ze op Instagram.

Al vanaf haar 14de leed ze aan allerlei eetstoornissen. 'Ik voelde mij nooit zelfzeker omdat ik altijd bang was van wat anderen van mij dachten en hoe ik eruitzag.'


Maar toen gebeurde er iets met haar. 'Ik wist niet meer wie ik was. Ik was alleen maar bezig met mijn lichaam.' Daarom maakte ze de tweede foto. Op die foto heeft ze maatje 44/46 en voelt ze zich gelukkiger dan ooit


Het gaat niet om wat je wel of niet eet. Het gaat om hoe je je voelt over jezelf. Ik hou van mijn lichaam!



I think it's fitting to do another #TransformationTuesday today. For my new friends especially because you may not know my story. I began my journey with restrictive eating, body dysmorphia, yo-yo dieting, and body image issues when I was 14. By the time I was ready to graduate college I had shrunk myself to a size 2/4. But I never saw that girl in the mirror. There was always something wrong with her, no matter how hard I worked. After my wedding in 2008 I slowly gained back all the weight and continued to berate myself for allowing that to happen to my body. I never felt confident to put myself out there because I was always worried about the way I looked and how others viewed me. The picture on the left is from 2013, 9 months after the birth of my second child. I was still subscribing to the diet culture and waiting for that even better after photo until I could truly live my life and love my body. And then something happened. I realized I didn't know who I was. I didn't have an identity because all this time I had just been worrying about fixing my body. I had so many gifts to give and a path that God had intended for me, but instead I was wasting it telling myself and everyone else that we would all feel better if we were 10 lbs lighter. It's not true. What I know to be true is that we'll all feel better if we start to get in tune with our true purpose here on earth and stop giving a fuck about what we are SUPPOSED to look like. So that brings me to the photo on the right, a few sizes larger and a million times happier. The last three years were quite the journey. I cried a lot. Relationships were put on hold. I questioned myself every day. But I didn't stop uncovering the beautiful soul that I now know and love so much. It's not about your size or your weight. It's not about what you did or didn't eat. It's about how you feel about yourself, your journey on this earth and how you give back to others. I LOVE MY BODY. I love that it is my vehicle to change the world. I love that it can inspire so many. I love that it can do harder things than I can even imagine. And I love that it is mine. Have a great day loves! And as always- I'm here via DM! Xoxo

Een foto die is geplaatst door ALLISON  Girl Power Guru (@allisonkimmey) op

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