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DÉCO: 13 fauteuils canon dans lesquels on rêve de bouquiner

Barbara Wesoly

Livre captivant cherche coin douillet. Si ce 9 août marquait le Book Lovers Day, autrement dit la fête des amoureux de la lecture, tous les jours sont bons pour vibrer en tournant des pages. Thrillers, histoires d’amour ou romans fantastiques, on ne les savoure jamais aussi bien qu’enfoncé dans un fauteuil mœlleux. Et ça tombe bien, on a dressé notre wishlist déco littéraire.

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

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Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

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Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Nos places to read favorites

Photo: Pinterest


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